The ZX81 was published in 1981 by the British computer manufacturer Sinclair. Let us begin with a real legend, a computer which sold more than a million and still has a lot of fans. The latter part should be very interesting for interested C programmers.
After that, you will find two emulators for the Atari XL and last but not least portable emulators which run on the Linux operating system. You will also find some info about the lost emulators like the FalconSpeed 486SX - I try to give an answer what happened to them. In this article I don't want to describe the known PC and Mac emulators but the freeware/shareware emulators which are widely available.

Most of the hardware emulators were overrun by the fast technical development and the manufacturers didn't publish advanced versions of their emulators. Sad but true: The great hardware emulator days are over. Those emulators used hardware extensions to be as compatible as possible to give you access to the majority of non-Atari software. But the Atari world was different five years ago: the Macintosh emulator Spectre GCR and various PC emulators made it possible to turn your Atari to a Mac or PC. If you read about emulators in Atari magazines today you will usually read about MagicMac, TOS2Win and PaCifiST.

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